Project Overview
The Ridge Hill Shopping Center in Yonkers, NY, in cooperation with ArtsWestchester, is seeking proposals from artists for a permanent mural spanning an exterior wall to be completed by November 15, 2015.
DEADLINE is August 17.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function manon_edge_get_button_html() in /home/bx200/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/bx200/ manon_edge_return_button_html(Array)
#1 /home/bx200/ include('/home/bx200/new...')
#2 /home/bx200/ manon_edge_get_template_part('framework/modul...', '', Array, false)
#3 /home/bx200/ manon_edge_get_module_template_part('templates/parts...', 'blog', '', Array)
#4 /home/bx200/ include('/home/bx200/new...')
#5 /home/bx200/ in /home/bx200/ on line 1540